Classroom Agreements


In this class, we follow four simple agreements, or expectations, that keep our classroom a fun and safe place to be.

Mutual Respect – Respect goes both ways. Just as I expect that you will respect me, I will respect you. This respect will be shown in my attitude, words and actions every day. I also expect there to be respect within the classroom for all members of the class.

Attentive Listening – When we listen attentively rather than talk over each other and interrupt, we show that we are seeking to learn from each other.

Appreciations/No Put Downs – Instead of tearing others down, we practice building them up. Look for opportunities to make others feel good about themselves.

Participation/Right to Pass – I understand that life gets stressful so if you are having an extremely bad or stressful day and you are called on in class, don’t panic! If you don’t have an answer ready or don’t want to share one, simply say “pass” and we will move on. Our class will be most successful as we all feel comfortable participating and contributing to our learning community. 

Failure to follow these agreements will result in one or more of the following 1. Talk with Miss Hamilton 2. Phone call to Parents 3. Meeting with the principal